Reacting strongly to the BJP’s official campaign slogan for the Delhi elections, AAP National Convenor Arvind Kejriwal took to X and said that the BJP’s slogan, “Badal ke Rahenge”, proves what everyone feared. He stated, “I had already said that if they are voted to power, all the work done by the AAP government with the people of Delhi over the last ten years will be stopped. Today, the BJP has officially announced that they will change everything.”
Arvind Kejriwal explained that this means 24×7 electricity will end, long power cuts will return, free electricity will stop, and monthly bills running into thousands of rupees will start again. “Free bus travel for women will end. Government schools will once again be destroyed. All Mohalla Clinics will shut down, and free medicines and treatment in government hospitals will cease.”
He urged the people of Delhi to think carefully before casting their votes, as BJP has clearly stated their intentions. He further added, “Over the past ten years, we have worked tirelessly with Delhi’s 20 million residents to bring about numerous changes. Earlier, the city faced long power cuts, but now there is 24-hour electricity. Previously, people had to pay exorbitant electricity bills, but now many receive zero bills, and others pay very low rates. Delhi’s education system has improved significantly. We have transformed government schools, and now even middle-class families are enrolling their children in them. We have also improved the state of government hospitals. Across Delhi, we have established Mohalla Clinics where treatment is completely free. Treatment in government hospitals is also free. Every household in Delhi now gets 20,000 liters of water free of cost every month. Women travel for free in buses. Our government facilitates free pilgrimage for senior citizens.”
He accused the BJP of repeatedly conspiring to halt the work being done by the AAP government. He stated, “They have tried many times to stop the free electricity provided to the people of Delhi, but we have foiled their conspiracies every single time. Today, they have officially announced that they will change everything. Their statement clearly means that if they are mistakenly voted into power, the first thing they will do is end all the free services provided by the AAP government to the people of Delhi. They will stop 24-hour free electricity, and Delhiites will have to face long power cuts. Electricity rates will rise, and people will not be able to afford their bills. Schools will deteriorate again and become like they were ten years ago. Free water will end, free bus travel for women will stop, and free pilgrimage for senior citizens will cease. Free treatment in government hospitals will be discontinued.”
Arvind Kejriwal concluded by urging the people of Delhi to vote wisely. “To ensure the continuation of the facilities we have provided, people must vote for the Aam Aadmi Party.”