Another bomb threat at a prominent Delhi school has sparked sharp criticism from AAP National Convenor Arvind Kejriwal, who slammed Union Home Minister Amit Shah for failing to ensure the capital’s security. Calling out the lack of arrests in such cases, the AAP Chief demanded Amit Shah face the people of Delhi and provide answers for the growing climate of terror.On being asked about the bomb threat to a renowned school in Delhi, AAP National Convenor Arvind Kejriwal said, “This has become a recurring pattern. In the past 9–10 days, this is the fourth instance where such prestigious schools in Delhi have received threats. Wherever I go for padyatras, parents and children surround me, saying they are scared to go to school. They go to school daily, only to be evacuated because of threats.”“Not a single person has been arrested so far. Why? Where is Amit Shah? Why is he not responding? He should come to Delhi, sit with the people of Delhi, and provide them with answers. The people of Delhi are only asking for safety—it is their right. Why is Amit Shah silent?” stated the AAP Supremo.On social media platform X, AAP National Convenor Arvind Kejriwal stated, “Today, yet another school has received a threat. The confidence of criminals and those issuing threats is soaring because, till now, not a single perpetrator has been caught.”