In another major blow to the BJP, Pravesh Ratn, a prominent Jatav leader and senior BJP Yuva Morcha leader, joined the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), today. He expressed admiration for AAP National Arvind Kejriwal’s impactful governance. While inducting him into the party, Senior AAP leader Manish Sisodia attributed Pravesh Ratn’s decision to the tangible benefits Arvind Kejriwal’s policies have brought to the Dalit community in areas such as education, healthcare, electricity, and water.
Pravesh Ratn, has previously held key positions in the BJP and contested from the Patel Nagar Assembly constituency. This marks the fourth major entry from the BJP to AAP in recent days, highlighting a growing trend of leaders across communities aligning with AAP’s vision for inclusive and people-centric governance. Earlier, on November 17, Anil Jha, a two-time MLA from Delhi’s Kirari Assembly constituency, three-time MLA Brahm Singh Tanwar from Chhatarpur, and B.B. Tyagi, a two-time councilor, former Standing Committee Chairman, from Laxmi Nagar, also left BJP to join AAP with their supporters.
Senior AAP leader and former Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia officially welcomed Parvesh Ratn into the Aam Aadmi Party by presenting him with the party patka and cap. He expressed his delight over the transformative work led by Arvind Kejriwal and his government. Highlighting its impact beyond Delhi, extending to Punjab, he stated, “These initiatives have particularly uplifted the underprivileged sections of society, including the jatav, SC, ST, Dalit communities, and backward classes.”
He further emphasized, “Families have seen significant improvements in education, healthcare, electricity, water, employment opportunities, and the dignity brought to their lives by Arvind Kejriwal’s visionary leadership.”
He further added that Parvesh Ratn, inspired by Arvind Kejriwal’s work, is joining the Aam Aadmi Party family. Manish Sisodia remarked, “He has been associated with the BJP for about 15-20 years, holding senior positions in the Pradesh Yuva Morcha, serving as a district secretary, and even contesting elections from the Patel Nagar Vidhan Sabha constituency on a BJP ticket.”
Welcoming him warmly, Manish Sisodia said, “Today, influenced by Arvind Kejriwal’s work, he is joining our family, and I wholeheartedly welcome him. I am confident that his youthful energy will benefit Delhi’s youth, especially the Jatav community, which he represents and has dedicated his entire life to serving. His extensive efforts, both locally and nationally, will now strengthen our collective mission to work for the people.”
Pravesh Ratn, while addressing the gathering began by expressing his gratitude to Arvind Kejriwal and Manish Sisodia, whom he credited as the driving force behind his decision. Speaking about Arvind Kejriwal, he remarked, “No matter how much I say about Arvind Kejriwal, it will always feel insufficient. He has transformed Delhi in ways that have never been seen before. He has provided Delhi with everything it lacked until now.”
Elaborating further, Pravesh Ratn said, “It is because of his work that I have been observing him for many years. The development he has brought to Delhi, especially for the community I belong to, has garnered immense love and respect. This love is not without reason. When a community connects with someone, there is always a strong reason behind it. Inspired by his work, I have decided to join today.”
Reflecting on his experience within the BJP’s Delhi unit, he added, “The lack of attention given to marginalized communities like mine and the situations created here always stood out to me.”
Pravesh Ratn continued by praising Arvind Kejriwal’s work in education, stating, “Arvind Kejriwa’s work in education and the vision behind it have been truly inspiring. His dedication to improving educational institutions reflects an ideology and thought process that has taught me a great deal.”
He further emphasized his commitment, promising to work together and said, “I am committed to uniting my community on a large scale and spreading a powerful message about the transformative work being done in Delhi.”
Pravesh Ratn further continued, “When critics call the benefits provided to the poor as ‘freebies,’ it’s easy to dismiss them. However, these so-called ‘freebies’ can save ₹8,000-₹10,000 monthly for families, making a significant difference in their lives. When these savings alleviate financial burdens, it changes lives.”
Concluding his remarks, he said, “Therefore, today, as I join the Aam Aadmi Party, I commit to connecting my community in larger numbers. I sincerely thank all of you and assure you that we will work together and move forward with a shared vision.”
Also present on the occasion, AAP MCD Incharge and MLA Durgesh Pathak added, “Today, influenced by all the impactful work of the Aam Aadmi Party government, we are honored to welcome a prominent face from the Patel Nagar constituency, a former BJP candidate in Delhi, and a respected leader of the Jatav community, Parvesh Ratn, as he joins the Aam Aadmi Party family.”