On Children’s Day, Delhi’s AAP government dedicated a world-class school in North-East Delhi’s Sunder Nagri, promising a brighter future for over 7,000 students. Chief Minister Atishi inaugurated the state-of-the-art school, featuring 131 rooms with modern amenities, smart classrooms, a library, seven advanced labs, two spacious multipurpose halls, lift, and more.
On this occasion, AAP National Convenor Arvind Kejriwal posted on his ‘X’ handle (erstwhile Twitter): “This is a very emotional moment for me. Our struggle started from Sunder Nagari itself, today I am very happy to see this new school started there on Children’s Day. We have freed this land from land mafias and built this wonderful school for children here. Thousands of children from poor families will study here and build their future. I assure that the work of building more such wonderful schools for the children of Delhi will continue.”
On this occasion, CM Atishi said, “Sundar Nagri and Nand Nagri are among the most densely populated areas in Delhi. To see such a magnificent world-class school here, in such a crowded area where even walking space is limited, is unbelievable.”
She further expressed, “I am immensely happy to inaugurate this school. When our government was first elected in 2015, and we inspected schools in this area, every classroom was filled with 100-150 students, with children sitting on floors and mats. Even the best teacher would struggle to provide quality education in such conditions.”
CM Atishi stated, “Thanks to the Delhi government, this magnificent school has been inaugurated in Sunder Nagri F-1 and F-2 blocks. I can confidently say that even the best private schools in this area lack such a grand building and facilities.”
She shared that this Sarvodaya school will operate in two shifts. It has 131 classrooms, 7 laboratories, a library, 2 large MP halls, and a conference room. These facilities will enable the school to offer all three streams – Arts, Commerce, and Science.
This grand school building will cater to over 7,000 children, greatly benefiting those in Sunder Nagri and Nand Nagri. Parents will no longer need to send their children far away for quality education, and students from overcrowded schools nearby will be shifted here in the coming weeks.
CM Atishi remarked, “This land was originally allocated by the DDA to the Education Department for building a school in 2003. However, previous parties and leaders showed no interest in the education of ordinary children, and it eventually fell under the control of land mafias. But when the AAP government, led by Arvind Kejriwal, came to power, we fought and reclaimed this land, finally commencing the school’s construction.”
CM Atishi added, “While previous leaders focused on their families, securing land and amassing wealth for their next generations, Arvind Kejriwal Ji is focused on the future of the common people of Delhi and their children. That’s why he took back this land from the mafias and dedicated it to building a magnificent school for children.”
She highlighted that, “Delhi government schools weren’t always like this. Before 2015, they were in poor condition, with leaky roofs and a lack of basic facilities. However, since Kejriwal took office, there has been a transformation. From 2015 to 2024 alone, 22700 classrooms have been added, almost as many as were built from 1947 to 2015. Today, the facilities available in government schools even surpass those in private schools.”
She continued, “Not only have classrooms and facilities improved, but we have also invested in teacher training. The training budget increased tenfold, and our teachers have been sent to leading institutions in the U.S., UK, Finland, and Singapore. World-class training for our educators enables them to deliver world-class education to our students.”
The Delhi Chief Minister mentioned, “The result is that, for the past eight years, Delhi government schools have been outperforming private schools in exams. Today, students from these schools are qualifying for competitive exams like JEE and NEET and getting into top engineering and medical colleges. Just last year, 2,800 students from Delhi government schools cleared JEE and NEET exams.”
CM Atishi pointed out, “While nationwide, parents are withdrawing children from government schools in favor of private ones, Delhi stands as an exception. In the past three years, over 400,000 students have left private schools to enrol in government schools – a true education revolution in Delhi.”
“If the people of Delhi want good schools and a bright future for their children, they must once again choose a government that prioritizes education. Only a government led by Arvind Kejriwal Ji will continue working to improve schools, unlike others who would neglect education as they do in other states,” concluded CM Atishi.
The land for the school was reclaimed from land mafias thanks to the efforts of the Delhi government. In January 2023, former Education Minister Manish Sisodia laid the foundation stone, and today, a magnificent 5-story school stands here. This new school will reduce the student burden on schools in Mandoli, Saboli, Sunder Nagri, Bank Colony, Harsh Vihar, and Nand Nagri areas. It features 131 classrooms, smart classrooms, libraries, advanced laboratories, an activity room, and other modern amenities.