The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has sounded the alarm over Delhi’s worsening law and order situation. Citing the theft of a Metro cable on the Blue Line, AAP National Convenor Arvind Kejriwal questioned Union Home Minister Amit Shah’s handling of the capital’s security stating that nothing is safe here under their watch.
AAP National Convenor Arvind Kejriwal took to social media platform X, stating: “Amit Shah ji, what is happening in Delhi. Even the cable of Delhi Metro has been stolen. Nothing is safe. Do something.”
In a video message, Cabinet Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj stated that the cable on the Blue Line of the Delhi Metro, from Kirti Nagar to Moti Nagar, has been stolen. He emphasised in shock, “This is Delhi, the capital of the country. The central government and Union Home Minister Amit Shah are responsible for its security, and yet, a Metro cable was stolen.”
Saurabh Bharadwaj further emphasised that this cable theft is just one example. In Delhi, vehicles are being stolen daily. Tyres from cars are being taken, mobile phones are being snatched, chains are being snatched, and even robberies at banks are happening. Water pumps from people’s homes are being stolen. Government installed motors and their wires are being taken as well.
He stressed, “Delhi is the capital of the nation and yet there is an unprecedented surge in crime here. I urge the Union Home Minister to take Delhi’s security seriously and address these growing security concerns immediately.”