In the run-up to the Delhi Assembly elections, Chief Minister Atishi addressed Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) workers at a convention in the Badarpur constituency on Wednesday. Speaking at the event organized in support of AAP candidate Ram Singh Netaji, CM Atishi emphasized the need for a government that works for the people. “The people of Delhi have resolved to re-elect Arvind Kejriwal as Chief Minister,” she said.
While addressing the gathering, CM Atishi remarked, “People vote only once during elections, but that one vote impacts the next five years. A vote for the right party and candidate ensures development for five years. But a wrong vote can make the constituency suffer for an entire term.”
Highlighting the situation in Badarpur, she added, “Five years ago, the wrong choice was made here, and the people of Badarpur have suffered ever since. Electing a BJP MLA halted development. People frequently complain about issues like water shortages, broken sewer systems, and poor roads.”
CM Atishi urged the people of Badarpur to correct this mistake in the upcoming elections, stating, “In February, Badarpur has the chance to choose change. People have seen that where there’s an AAP MLA, development is swift—roads are built, and water and sewer lines are laid. Badarpur can achieve the same progress by electing Ram Singh Netaji.”
Talking about Arvind Kejriwal’s leadership, CM Atishi said, “For the past 10 years, Arvind Kejriwal has tirelessly worked for the people. In Delhi’s history, many leaders and parties have come and gone, but no one has ever cared for the common man like Arvind Kejriwal.”
She added, “Before Arvind Kejriwal became Chief Minister, Delhi faced 8-hour-long power cuts during summers. Today, Delhi has uninterrupted 24-hour electricity, while nearby BJP-governed regions like Faridabad, Ghaziabad, and Gurgaon still suffer from lengthy power outages. Not just that, Delhiites enjoy 200 units of electricity for free.”
Speaking about water supply, she stated, “Today, clean water is available in every household for free. And Arvind Kejriwal has promised that all inflated water bills will be waived after February, once AAP forms the government again.”
CM Atishi shared how Delhi’s government schools have been revolutionized under Arvind Kejriwal’s governance: “Ten years ago, government schools in Delhi were in shambles. Today, their results are better than private schools. The buildings are more impressive than those of private institutions.”
On healthcare, she remarked, “In BJP-governed states like Haryana, UP, and MP, families have to mortgage their homes to afford treatment at private hospitals. But in Delhi, whether the treatment costs ₹5,000 or ₹50 lakh, it is entirely free in mohalla clinics and government hospitals. This is the Kejriwal model.”
Highlighting the benefits for women, she said, “Women in Delhi enjoy free bus rides under the Arvind Kejriwal government. Compare this with BJP-governed Gurgaon, where an AC bus ride costs ₹50. Arvind Kejriwal has also promised to deposit ₹1,000 every month into the accounts of women, recognizing the financial struggles they face for small expenses.”
CM Atishi concluded, “For zero electricity bills, 24×7 power, water bill waivers, excellent schools and hospitals, free healthcare, free bus rides, and ₹1,000 per month for women, the people of Badarpur must press the broom button in February, elect Ram Singh Netaji, and bring back Arvind Kejriwal as Chief Minister for the fourth time.”
The Aam Aadmi Party has already announced candidates for 11 constituencies, and similar worker conventions are being held across Delhi. The convention in Badarpur witnessed significant participation, especially from women workers, who pledged to ensure a government that works and re-elect Arvind Kejriwal.