The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) today strongly condemned the arrest of MLA Naresh Balyan, labeling it a political vendetta orchestrated by the BJP to silence dissent and intimidate those who expose criminal activities in Delhi. AAP’s Chief National Spokesperson Priyanka Kakkar accused the BJP of turning Delhi into a “Gangster-Raj,” where victims of crime are targeted while perpetrators roam free.
AAP’s Chief National Spokesperson Priyanka Kakkar, speaking on the arrest of Naresh Balyan, said, “Naresh Balyan is someone who has always stood by the people of Uttam Nagar in their joys and sorrows. Today, he has been arrested for allegedly receiving extortion calls, about which he had already filed five written complaints.”
Priyankar Kakkar said that instead of addressing his complaints, a false case was fabricated against him, leading to his arrest. She added, “Naresh Balyan is a true soldier of Arvind Kejriwal, and we all stand with him. This is not the first time a leader from the Aam Aadmi Party has been arrested. We are not afraid of such actions, but what message is being sent by this arrest?”
She continued, “The message being sent is that if you complain about extortion or blackmail, instead of action being taken on your complaint, a case will be filed against you, and you will be sent to jail.”
Priyanka Kakkar further emphasized that Arvind Kejriwal has consistently raised concerns about Delhi’s law and order situation with Amit Shah. However, instead of addressing these issues, “They orchestrated an attack on Arvind Kejriwal yesterday and had Naresh Balyan arrested,” she said.
The AAP Chief National Spokesperson continued, “Imagine if tomorrow something unfortunate happens at someone’s home — a murder, or an incident involving a sister or daughter — and you go to the police station. Instead of taking action against the perpetrator, a case will be filed against you, the victim. No justice will be served.” She concluded by stating, “This is the state of law and order today, and questions must be asked about it.”
While, MLA Naresh Balyan, on his arrest, said, “I have been arrested under BJP’s pressure. Elections are coming, and the BJP has framed me in false cases as part of their strategy. The truth will come out in court.”