Aam Aadmi Party’s (AAP) Rajya Sabha MP and Uttar Pradesh in-charge, Sanjay Singh, on Wednesday submitted a notice during Zero Hour in the Rajya Sabha to raise a serious issue concerning the Sambhal riots in Uttar Pradesh. In the notice, he stated that incidents of growing hatred, violence, and riots in Uttar Pradesh have become a defining characteristic of the state, with the Sambhal riots being yet another unfortunate example.
In his notice, senior AAP leader and Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh highlighted that many innocent lives were lost due to police firing during the Sambhal riots, and accused the administration of consistently lying and attempting to cover up the incident. He stated, “The state government has completely failed to control violence and riots. Instead, it is actively working to suppress such cases and mislead the public.”
Sanjay Singh sought permission to raise this critical issue during Zero Hour in the Rajya Sabha. He also demanded that the state government conduct an impartial investigation into the riot and take strict action against those responsible.
Sanjay Singh also emphasized that the Uttar Pradesh government must take concrete and effective measures to prevent riots, ensuring such incidents do not recur and that peace and security are restored in the state.
Referring to the violence that occurred during the survey of Jama Masjid in Sambhal, Uttar Pradesh, Aam Aadmi Party’s Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh accused the BJP of fostering inequality and exploiting religious divisions.
He continued, “The poor and unemployed youth of Uttar Pradesh are left to wander from door to door in search of jobs, while Amit Shah’s son and the sons of BJP leaders conduct business worth thousands of crores with the Sheikhs of Dubai. You do business, and we fight in the name of religion—this system will not work. We want a discussion on this matter, which is why I have submitted a Zero Hour notice.”