The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has launched a sharp attack on the BJP for not allocating space at the Rajghat complex for the funeral of former Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh. Senior AAP leader and MP Sanjay Singh stated that by denying space at Rajghat for Dr. Manmohan Singh’s funeral, the BJP has insulted the Sikh community.
The AAP MP pointed out that almost all former Prime Ministers of the country have been cremated at Rajghat. The discrimination against Dr. Manmohan Singh reflects the mindset of the BJP and Prime Minister Narendra Modi. “Can PM Modi name a single former Prime Minister whose funeral was held at Nigambodh Ghat?” he asked.
Senior AAP leader and Rajya Sabha MP, Sanjay Singh, expressed his dismay stating, “It is deeply regrettable that we even have to discuss such an issue. This shows how narrow and petty the government’s mindset is. I want to ask Prime Minister Narendra Modi: Dr. Manmohan Singh was a great economist respected worldwide. As India’s Prime Minister, he devoted ten years of his life to the country’s progress. Why this disrespect toward him?”
He further stated that Dr. Manmohan Singh was the only Prime Minister of India to come from the Sikh community and noted that, until then, almost all former Prime Ministers of the country had been cremated within the Rajghat complex. He said, “However, the BJP is unwilling to allocate space at Rajghat for Dr. Manmohan Singh’s funeral. This reflects the BJP’s mindset. They call themselves a party of values and claim to be the largest political party in the world. They may be the largest party, but their mindset is the smallest.”
Sanjay Singh expressed his disappointment and sadness, saying, “This decision has brought shame to every individual living in India and across the globe. What kind of behavior is this from the Modi government? They are refusing to provide space in the Rajghat complex for a former Prime Minister. Can they name a single former Prime Minister whose funeral was conducted at Nigambodh Ghat? Be it Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Rajiv Gandhi, or Indira Gandhi — all were cremated at Rajghat.”
Sanjay Singh further questioned, “Why is this discrimination happening? This reflects that the so-called largest party in the world has the smallest mindset and the smallest heart. It exposes the thinking of the BJP and Prime Minister Modi. Dr. Manmohan Singh is the only Prime Minister from the Sikh community.”
The AAP MP stated that the decision would likely insult the people of Punjab and the Sikh community worldwide. He added that the 1.44 billion people of the country, who have faith in the democratic system and value Dr. Manmohan Singh’s contributions, must also feel deeply hurt.
Sanjay Singh further highlighted, “Today, the global headlines will highlight that India has a government that is unwilling to provide space within the Rajghat complex for its former Prime Minister. The government is refusing to respect the family’s wishes for his funeral. This is highly unfortunate.”
Senior AAP leader and Cabinet Minister, Saurabh Bharadwaj, expressed his shock, saying, “I am stunned to hear that Dr. Manmohan Singh, who served as the Prime Minister of this country for ten years and is regarded globally as a scholar. His economic policies are studied in universities worldwide. He saved the nation from economic crises and led India forward during liberalization.”
“And yet, the funeral of a Prime Minister from the Sikh community is being conducted at Nigambodh Ghat? Nigambodh Ghat for Dr. Manmohan Singh? Has our nation’s politics stooped so low that the central government cannot allocate even a thousand square yards of land in Delhi for a learned former Prime Minister? This is disgraceful. Such matters should not be politicised,” Saurabh Bharadwaj stated.