Chief Minister Atishi, while addressing the media today, strongly condemned BJP candidate Ramesh Bidhuri’s sexist and derogatory remarks against her, urging him to focus on discussing his work rather than resorting to abusive attacks. The CM, visibly distressed, could not hold back her tears as she questioned the depths to which political discourse in the country has fallen; and broke down while addressing the derogatory comments made by Ramesh Bidhuri targeting her 80-year-old ailing father.With her voice trembling with distress, CM Atishi said, “My father dedicated his entire life to teaching and shaping the futures of thousands of underprivileged children in Delhi. Today, at 80 years old, he is battling serious health issues and can barely walk or speak without support. Yet, for the sake of political gains, Ramesh Bidhuri Ji has stooped so low as to attack an elderly man. Is this what our politics has become?.” The Chief Minister paused multiple times during her address, wiping away tears as she spoke of her father’s legacy and the pain her family has endured. “How can anyone justify such indecency? Instead of discussing his work as a ten-year MP from South Delhi, he resorts to hurling abuse at a man who can’t even defend himself. It breaks my heart to see my father, a man who gave so much to society, being disrespected like this,” she added.She called on Ramesh Bidhuri to focus on showcasing his contributions to his constituency rather than resorting to personal attacks. “If he believes he has done better work than me as MLA, let him present that to the people. Why doesn’t he tell the people of Kalkaji what he has done for them during his tenure? Let him show that his work over ten years is far better than my work as an MLA for five years. Let him ask for votes based on his work. He can say, ‘If Atishi built one road, I built ten roads. If Atishi installed 100 CCTV cameras, I installed 1,000 cameras. If Atishi put up 1,000 lights, I put up 5,000 lights.’ Let him seek votes on his work. Why is he abusing my elderly father?” But why target my father? Why stoop so low?”CM Atishi’s emotional plea has struck a chord with citizens across Delhi and the country, with many taking to social media to condemn Ramesh Bidhuri’s remarks and express solidarity with the Chief Minister and her family.AAP National Convenor Arvind Kejriwal also rallied behind his CM in her support. He took to X to write: “Atishi ji, you are an inspiration for all the women of Delhi. By abusing you, BJP has not only insulted you but every woman of Delhi. Every woman of Delhi will give a befitting reply to BJP for this insult.”Senior AAP Leader Manish Sisodia also took to X to write: “Atishi ji, by abusing you, BJP has hurt the self-respect of every woman. Your insult is an insult to the entire women’s community, and the women of Delhi will definitely respond to this.”