Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s legacy of governance stands unshaken. Under the “Aapka Vidhayak, Aapke Dwar” campaign, AAP Delhi State Convenor and Cabinet Minister Gopal Rai on Monday boldly showcased the transformative achievements of the Kejriwal government over the last five years to the people of North Ghonda, Babarpur. The Delhi Minister asserted that only Arvind Kejriwal can deliver on promises of free electricity, schools, hospitals, and more—vowing that not even imprisonment can halt Arvind Kejriwal’s relentless commitment to Delhi.
Senior AAP leader and local MLA Gopal Rai said that Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal has directed all the MLAs to visit every street, locality, and intersection and inform the public about the work done in their respective assembly constituencies and by the Delhi government. Give account of the work done for. Under this, today “Aapka Vidhayak, Aapke Dwar” program was organized today in the North Ghonda area of Babarpur Assembly, where we presented the work done in our constituency and the work accomplished by Arvind Kejriwal throughout Delhi.
The Delhi Minister said, “Today, there is an anguish among the public that the AAP, its government and Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal are being continuously harassed and humiliated by the BJP government at the Centre, and are preventing them from working from all sides. But despite this, the Kejriwal government is continuing its work for the people on a large scale.”
He said that only the Kejriwal government can provide free electricity, water, good schools, hospitals and free bus travel facility to women, to the people of Delhi. Despite so many problems, the Delhi government is working all-round under the leadership of Arvind Kejriwal. I have heard that BJP is threatening the people that if they do not support BJP then their houses will be demolished. But there is no need to be afraid of these bullies.
Gopal Rai said that the people of Delhi have given every party a chance. “Arvind Kejriwal and Gopal Rai alone have done more work in this assembly than the combined work done by all the MPs, MLAs, and councilors of all the parties who have won in Babarpur assembly till now. Delhiites sent us to power with great love and support and we started working for the people”, he added.
The AAP Delhi State Convenor shared, “The BJP thought that it could not compete with Arvind Kejriwal’s work, so they put him in jail. But no one can stop Arvind Kejriwal from working for Delhi. He worked for Delhi while he was outside and he is working for Delhi even while being inside the jail.”
Gopal Rai said that the public has assured us through this program that just as Arvind Kejriwal has worked diligently for the public, Delhiites will work towards forming Arvind Kejriwal’s government. “We are getting a lot of support from the whole of Delhi and its mohallas (localities). The kind of news related to ‘Aap ka Vidhayak, Aap ke Dwaar’ that is coming from different places of Delhi is quite encouraging,” he added.
“Delhiites have been electing all seven BJP MPs for three consecutive times and are electing the BJP government at the center. But its MPs have not done any work in any locality of Delhi. People want a government that works for them. They do not want a government of a party that does not work. The people of Delhi have given us a message that they will once again come together and bring the Arvind Kejriwal government to Delhi,” concluded the Delhi Minister.