Senior AAP leader and Rajya Sabha MP, Sanjay Singh, has condemned the BJP’s hypocrisy in shielding Adani, despite overwhelming evidence of corruption and looting under PM Modi’s watch. Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has demanded a Supreme Court-monitored inquiry, the arrest of implicated officials, and a thorough investigation into Gautam and Sagar Adani’s role in this massive scam.
Sanjay Singh slammed the BJP-led central government for allowing Adani to exploit the public, particularly through inflated electricity rates. He added that unlike the PM, Delhi’s former CM, Arvind Kejriwal stood firm and stopped Adani from exploiting Delhiites, saving them from skyrocketing electricity rates.
Senior AAP leader and Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh stated that today, once again, Prime Minister Modi’s friend, Adani, has brought shame to India on the global stage. The entire world is witnessing how India’s reputation is being tarnished because of Adani, and ultimately because of PM Modi. It is deeply regretful. Wherever he goes, in whichever programme he attends or scheme he launches, the first beneficiary is not India but Adani.
The Senior AAP leader continued, “The latest revelation, uncovered after an investigation by a US court, has shocked the entire nation. Everyone is astonished by the massive corruption and looting happening under PM Modi and the BJP’s leadership. Despite all the evidence being out in the open, there is no investigation or action. Why is this happening? The Prime Minister has given Adani a free hand to loot the country.”
The Senior AAP leader criticised the awarding of contracts to Adani Green Energy for supplying 12,000 MW of electricity, stating, “PM Modi pressured state governments to purchase this expensive electricity to benefit Adani, even if it meant the public had to pay more. People’s pockets were emptied, and they were burdened with costly electricity just to ensure profits for Adani.”
AAP MP Sanjay Singh further stated, “Adani didn’t get the 12,000 MW contract without bribery. To secure the deal, Adani allegedly paid bribes amounting to Rs 2,125 crore to Indian officials. This bribery ensured Adani got the contracts in various states to supply electricity at high rates to the public. This scam alone involves looting approximately Rs 25,000 crore from the Indian people.”
The senior AAP leader raised alarm over the impact of such scams on international investors. “In this scam, the public is being looted under the pretext of high electricity rates. Adani and Modi are together robbing the nation. In this Green Energy project, there was supposed to be an investment of around Rs 25,000 crore from American companies. When fraud like bribery risks the investments of US investors, thorough investigations take place,” he added.
Sanjay Singh further added that for the past two years, a detailed investigation into this matter has been ongoing in the US. They discovered that Gautam Adani’s nephew, Sagar Adani, had bribed Indian officials and documented everything. Photos of these officials were found on his phone, along with amounts written below their names, detailing the bribes they received. PowerPoint presentations were received detailing the bribes given. Despite all this evidence, there has been no action or investigation in India, but the US court uncovered the truth.
“A warrant has now been issued in the US against Gautam Adani and Sagar Adani for this corruption. But in India, the government has done nothing. BJP leaders scream about honesty and integrity, but they stand by Adani, who has been exposed for looting the public,” he reasoned.
The senior AAP leader asserted that Adani Green Energy was given contracts in Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, and several other states. They even tried to enter Delhi during Arvind Kejriwal’s tenure, to establish Adani Green Energy with bribes, but being an honest leader, he didn’t let Adani exploit the people of Delhi. If Arvind Kejriwal hadn’t stopped them, the people of Delhi would have also been burdened with high electricity prices.
The AAP MP warned that if the BJP came to power in Delhi, residents would face the same exploitation. He urged Delhiites to remain vigilant, stressing that BJP’s rule could lead to further looting under the guise of inflated electricity prices.
Sanjay Singh said, “This warrant in the US against Gautam and Sagar Adani, but it should have been issued against PM Modi, that too in India. India’s courts, including the Supreme Court, should summon PM Modi and question him about why Rs 20,000 crore of the public’s money was looted under the guise of electricity supply. Without the collusion of the PM and his government, this loot couldn’t have been possible.”
He highlighted that India’s investors suffer huge losses due to the actions of PM Modi, Amit Shah, and the Finance Minister. Yet, no investigations take place. Even after such massive revelations, the BJP government continues to protect Adani.
“Adani now owns everything in India, from airports in the sky to coal underground, from gas to railways, roads, electricity, and water. The entire nation is being handed over to one person, Adani. Because of this, the entire country hangs its head in shame,” highlighted the AAP MP.
The senior AAP leader stated that the Aam Aadmi Party is demanding three immediate actions in light of the scam. Firstly, a Supreme Court-monitored inquiry should be conducted, including questioning Prime Minister Narendra Modi due to his involvement.
“Secondly, the officials implicated in the scam must be arrested and investigated, as their names, photos, and a PPT are already available. Lastly, Gautam Adani and Sagar Adani should be arrested in India, and a thorough investigation must be carried out to uncover the truth,” he declared.
“This is no ordinary case. It involves the loot of thousands of crores of rupees from the public under the guise of high electricity rates. The BJP and PM Modi are directly involved. But under Arvind Kejriwal’s leadership, Adani wasn’t allowed to exploit the people of Delhi. If BJP comes to power, they will loot Delhi’s people too. Rest assured, we will raise this issue in the upcoming parliamentary session,” concluded the senior AAP leader.