Senior AAP leader Dilip Pandey has fired a broadside at Swati Maliwal, demanding her resignation from the Rajya Sabha. Pointing out that Swati Maliwal is towing the BJP line despite being nominated on an AAP seat, the AAP leader said, “If she has any shame, she must resign and seek a Rajya Sabha seat from the BJP instead.”
Senior AAP leader and MLA Dilip Pandey said that Swati Maliwal is such a person who takes a ticket from Aam Aadmi Party to go to Rajya Sabha, but takes scripts from BJP to attack the AAP. If she has even a little shame left in her, she must leave the Rajya Sabha MP seat of the AAP.
“She should resign from the post of Rajya Sabha MP and now choose the path of going to Rajya Sabha on a BJP ticket. If she is fond of staying in Rajya Sabha, then she better seek the Rajya Sabha ticket from BJP,” asserted the AAP MLA.