Sunday brought great joy to the people of Delhi as Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) National Convenor Arvind Kejriwal announced the commencement of the registration process for two transformative initiatives by the AAP government for Delhi residents. Starting Monday, women aged 18 and above can register to receive Rs. 2,100 per month under the ‘Mukhyamantri Mahila Samman Yojana’, while seniors over 60 will gain access to free medical treatment at both private and government hospitals through the ‘Sanjeevani Yojana’. The schemes, unveiled by the AAP Chief alongside senior leader Manish Sisodia and Delhi CM Atishi, aim to bring welfare services directly to citizens’ doorsteps. On Monday, Arvind Kejriwal, Manish Sisodia and CM Atishi themselves will go to different areas of Delhi and fill the registration forms of the people.Addressing a press conference, AAP National Convenor Arvind Kejriwal stated, “We have come with very big and happy news. Recently, we announced two schemes. One of them was the ‘Mahila Samman Yojana’. We know how hard our mothers and sisters work. They manage the household, working from as early as 4 in the morning till 10 or 11 at night. They nurture the children, who are the future of the country, instilling good values while raising them. Many of these mothers and sisters also go out to work jobs. To ease their lives, we announced that Rs. 2,100 will be deposited into their accounts every month.”Explaining the scheme’s broader impact, the AAP Supremo said, “There are many daughters whose college education is interrupted after Class 12 due to financial constraints. With this Rs. 2,100, they will be able to continue their studies. It will also help them pursue higher education. For homemakers, this amount will assist in managing household expenses amidst the rising inflation due to the Central Government’s policies. Many women have small desires, like buying a nice suit or a good saree for themselves.”Highlighting the demand for the scheme, Arvind Kejriwal announced the commencement of registrations, “Ever since we have announced this scheme we are getting numerous phone calls regarding the commencement of registration process for this scheme. Today, I am announcing that registration will begin from tomorrow itself.”“You don’t need to stand in any queues or waste your time. We will come to your doorstep. Across every area of Delhi, AAP has created thousands of teams. These teams will come to your home and will do registration of all the women of the house and give them a registration card (Kejriwal Kavach Card). For your convenience we are sending our teams door to door,” he added.The AAP Chief also unveiled the details of the ‘Sanjeevani Yojana,’ focusing on free healthcare for senior citizens, “The second scheme we announced is the ‘Sanjeevani Yojana’. Under this scheme, all senior citizens above 60 years of age, whether rich or poor, will receive free treatment, whether in private or government hospitals. The Delhi government will bear all the expenses of their treatment.”Highlighting the plight of senior citizens, Arvind Kejriwal continued, “We know that no government has ever done anything for the middle class. Nobody has cared about them. Many middle-class people spend their entire lives working hard, paying lakhs and crores in income tax and GST, and contributing to the country’s progress and development. But after they retire and turn 60, even in good families, we have seen that their children sometimes neglect them.”“The biggest worry in old age is, ‘What will happen to me if I fall ill?’ To all such people, I want to say, ‘You don’t need to worry anymore. The AAP government will take care of your treatment.’ This scheme has been eagerly awaited by the people. Its registration will begin tomorrow,” he shared.Arvind Kejriwal emphasized the role of voter IDs in accessing these schemes, “Our teams, who will visit every house, will register people for both the ‘Sanjeevani Yojana’ and the ‘Mahila Samman Yojana’. I have one request for everyone: to avail these schemes, you need to be a voter in Delhi. Therefore, everyone should ensure that their voter ID is ready. When our teams visit, please have your voter ID ready.”He warned about malicious attempts to delete voter IDs and assured assistance, “Some people are getting your votes deleted on a massive scale. These people don’t want you to benefit from these schemes. If your vote has been deleted, let our team know, and we will get it reinstated. If you don’t have a voter ID, let us know, and we will help you get it made. Please keep your voter ID ready, and check its status so that you can register for both schemes when our teams arrive.”The AAP Supremo concluded with details about the official launch, “Today, we are officially inaugurating these schemes. Tomorrow, we will begin visiting some areas and starting the registration process. Myself, Atishi Ji, and Manish Ji will personally go to some locations and help people register. After this, registration for these schemes will be opened across all of Delhi.”Sharing a few snippets from the announcement, AAP National Convenor Arvind Kejriwal posted on his ‘X’ handle (erstwhile Twitter), stating: “We recently announced 2 big schemes for the people of Delhi. ‘Mahila Samman Yojana’ and ‘Sanjeevani Yojana’. From tomorrow our team will go door to door to register for these two schemes. To register for this, it is very important to have your Delhi voter card.”Meanwhile, senior AAP leader Manish Sisodia posted: “Registration for Mahila Samman Yojana and Sanjeevani Yojana is starting in Delhi from tomorrow. The launch of the ‘Kejriwal Kavach Card’ is a guarantee of self-respect of every mother, sister and daughter, care of the elderly and secure future of every family.”“Our volunteers will go door-to-door to ensure that the benefits of these schemes reach every person. The elderly, women and children, all are saying – the Delhi government’s commitment to development and respect has connected every heart. Arvind Kejriwal’s visionary thinking and honest politics have once again proved that the Delhi government is fully committed to the safety, health and dignity of every citizen,” his post concluded.Expressing her delight, Delhi CM Atishi shared on her ‘X’ handle, stating: “I believe that around 35 to 40 lakh women may benefit from the ‘Mahila Samman Yojana’. Similarly, I estimate that around 10 to 15 lakh senior citizens could benefit from the ‘Sanjeevani Yojana’. This is a big step, and I encourage everyone to take full advantage of these schemes.”“The elderly people of Delhi will get the protection of Sanjeevani from their son Arvind Kejriwal. The registration of ‘Sanjeevani Yojana’ is starting in Delhi from tomorrow. Be it a private or a government hospital, the elderly above 60 years of age will no longer have to worry about the cost of their treatment because their son Arvind Kejriwal is with them,” her post concluded.*About Mahila Samman Yojana:*The Mahila Samman Yojana is a new welfare scheme announced by the Delhi government under the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) in December 2024. Under this program, all women in Delhi above 18 years of age will be eligible to receive Rs. 2,100 per month as direct monetary support in their bank accounts. Registrations are set to begin from tomorrow onwards i.e. 23.12.2024 through AAP workers who will visit homes to distribute registration cards—‘Kejriwal Kavach Card’.*About Sanjeevani Yojana:*The Sanjeevani Yojana was announced by AAP as a healthcare initiative aimed at providing comprehensive medical care to senior citizens on 18th December, 2024. The program will offer free medical treatment at both government and private hospitals to all Delhi residents aged 60 years and above who possess a Delhi voter ID. With no income-based restrictions, the scheme is designed to benefit over 25 lakh senior citizens. Registrations are set to begin from tomorrow onwards i.e. 23.12.2024.