The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has introduced ‘Internship with Manish Sisodia’, a program by Senior AAP leader Manish Sisodia to engage young minds in the electoral process. Through this program, Manish Sisodia hopes to provide young people with a hands-on understanding of how elections work, how leaders operate, and how democracy functions as a powerful tool. Expressing his delight at the enthusiastic response, Manish Sisodia revealed that thousands of students applied, with around 100 selected to work with him in various roles, including campaign management, research, and public interaction. AAP Senior leader and candidate from the Jangpura Assembly constituency Manish Sisodia, stated, “I had posted on social media that I am contesting elections from Jangpura and would love for the youth, especially college students, to join me and do an internship.”To facilitate this, Manish Sisodia has launched a program called ‘Internship with Manish Sisodia’, inviting college students to participate. He said, “If you want to understand how leaders work, how elections are contested, and how the electoral process functions in a democracy, you should come, work, contribute, and learn here.”Manish Sisodia explained that his intention behind the initiative was to involve college students in the electoral process, which he described as the most crucial aspect of democracy. He said, “The idea is for them to understand how leaders work, how the public thinks, what challenges exist in the electoral process, and how it serves as a powerful tool for democracy. They should closely observe, learn from it, and gain valuable insights.”Manish Sisodia shared his delight and happiness at the overwhelming response from young people, saying, “Hundreds of students showed interest in the initiative, and some of these young friends are now working with me in Jangpura. Thousands had applied to be part of the program, and around 100 have joined. They will begin working with me next month.”Talking about the tasks college students would be undertaking, Manish Sisodia said, “They will handle everything involved in election campaigns—working in war rooms, back rooms, research rooms, conducting field research, campaigning, and interacting with people.”Manish Sisodia further shared his experience of interacting with the students about their thoughts on this initiative. He said, “From youth pursuing a master’s in social work to those studying B.Tech, technology, marketing, and engineering—students from all backgrounds, whether from Delhi, Bihar, UP, Rajasthan, or southern states, have come from across the country to work with me.”“I am hopeful that over the next one or one and a half months, they will not only gain leadership skills by working with me but will also teach me a lot, give me feedback, and take away significant learning. Most importantly, they will understand the electoral process and democracy,” he concluded.