Our Values

As a political successor of the 2011 anti-corruption movement, the commitment to end corruption from politics and government stands at the core of our values and purpose. The Aam Aadmi Party unwaveringly upholds its stance against corruption, considering it a badge of honor and never compromising on this position.

Secular Ideals and Social Justice

As a political successor of the 2011 anti-corruption movement, the commitment to end corruption from politics and government stands at the core of our values and purpose. The Aam Aadmi Party unwaveringly upholds its stance against corruption, considering it a badge of honor and never compromising on this position.

Transparent Electoral Funding

The Aam Aadmi Party has consistently set itself apart by voluntarily disclosing the identity of every single donor to both the Election Commission and the Income Tax Department. Remarkably, this exceeds the legal requirement, which mandates disclosure only for donors contributing over Rs 2,000

Secular Ideals and Social Justice

The Aam Aadmi Party is unwavering in its commitment to the Constitution of India. It steers clear of the politics of appeasement and 'vote bank,' advocating for the equality of every Indian before the government. In its ethos, the party emphasizes the principle that those with less in life should find more in the protection of the law.

Pro-People Governance

By offering free lifeline water, introducing India's first three-tier Universal Healthcare model, transforming government schools, and setting the country's highest minimum wages, AAP has shown that it always prioritizes the common man's interests. The party is resolute that vested interests have never and will never influence its agenda.

Rejection of VIP culture

In 2013, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's Cabinet refused to use red beacons on their official vehicles, influencing other political leaders and parties. Demonstrating unprecedented accessibility, all of Delhi's Ministers open their official residences to the public without appointment between 10 am and 11 am, Monday to Friday.

Dynastic Politics

AAP's Constitution forbids two family members from contesting elections or holding positions on an executive body of the party. The party rejects political dynasties as it believes that they have monopolised entire parties and governments for decades, and aims to restore the democratic vision of our founding fathers

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