The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has taken a bold stance against the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) ongoing smear campaign aimed at defaming its leaders and governance. In an press conference today, Senior AAP Leader and Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh threw an open challenge to the BJP to substantiate their baseless claims about the Delhi Chief Minister’s official residence, which they have described as being equipped with extravagant luxuries such as minibars, golden toilets, and swimming pools.Sanjay Singh exposed the BJP for misleading the public with false propaganda, stating that this campaign’s sole aim is to malign and imprison AAP leaders. “The people of Delhi and the entire nation deserve to know the truth,” he said. “Tomorrow, at 11 AM, we invite the media to inspect the Chief Minister’s residence alongside us and uncover the reality. If the BJP claims are true, let them show the minibar, the swimming pool, and the golden toilet to the world.”Contrasting this with the opulence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ‘Rajmahal’, Sanjay Singh highlighted its staggering costs and luxury. “After visiting the CM’s residence, we will head to PM Modi’s ₹2,700 crore Rajmahal and expose the grandeur of the ‘King’ who indulges in ₹10 lakh pens, 67 pairs of shoes, and diamond-studded chandeliers worth ₹200 crore,” he declared.Addressing the media, Sanjay Singh stated, “The BJP has launched a campaign against the Aam Aadmi Party. Their sole aim is to insult, defame, and imprison AAP leaders. However, today I want to expose the lies and propaganda being spread by them.”He said, “The Chief Minister’s residence, which is designated for Delhi’s Chief Minister, has been canceled twice in three months. The entire BJP, from Narendra Modi to his party members, is running a propaganda campaign about it. They claim there’s a minibar in the residence, a golden toilet, and even a swimming pool inside. BJP’s leaders are spreading lies, and I want the entire nation and Delhi to know the truth.”Dismissing these allegations, he directly challenged the BJP: “Show us where the swimming pool is. Show us the minibar. Show us the golden toilet. The people of Delhi and the country deserve to know the truth. I challenge you — tomorrow at 11 AM, let’s visit the Chief Minister’s residence with the media and uncover the reality. On one side, there’s the Chief Minister’s residence, which the BJP is falsely maligning. And on the other, we have the ‘Rajmahal’ of Narendra Modi, the “King” of the country, worth ₹2,700 crores.”He elaborated on the opulence, stating, “This “King” changes his clothes three times a day, wears ₹10 lakh pens, and owns 67 pairs of shoes and 5,000 suits. His Rajmahal has ₹300 crore worth of carpets and ₹200 crore worth of chandeliers adorned with diamonds. Let the entire country see the extravagance of his Rajmahal!”The AAP leader concluded by reiterating his challenge and inviting the media to witness the truth firsthand. “I challenge the BJP and invite the media to join us tomorrow. First, we will visit the Chief Minister’s residence to search for the golden toilet, minibar, and swimming pool. Then we will head to the PM’s Rajmahal to see the ₹2,700 crore extravagance, where ₹300 crore carpets and ₹200 crore chandeliers have been installed. Let the people of Delhi and the nation see the truth. I invite media to join us tomorrow at 11 AM to visit the Chief Minister’s residence and then Narendra Modi’s Rajmahal. Let’s expose their lies and reveal the truth.”