The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) lecturing on corruption is like Osama bin Laden preaching peace,” declares senior AAP leader and Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh, as the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) slams the ruling BJP over graft exposed in CAG reports in various states they are in power. The senior AAP leader pointed out that PM Modi is harboring the country’s “most corrupt” while diverting attention with pre-election narratives, citing BJP’s extravagance and failed attempts to target AAP ahead of Delhi polls.Senior AAP leader and Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh stated, “The CAG Report comes in a sealed cover and has not yet been tabled. Meanwhile, the BJP is using forged documents to push its narrative. However, recent CAG reports have exposed massive corruption under BJP’s ruled states across the country. The Gujarat CAG report reveals irregularities worth thousands of crores in road construction projects, while Uttar Pradesh’s report highlights corruption linked to the ‘Kumbh Mela.’ In Madhya Pradesh, similar corruption has surfaced, and the central government’s CAG report uncovers scams running into millions of crores. These findings paint a damning picture of the BJP’s governance.”The AAP Rajya Sabha MP further added, “When the BJP speaks against corruption, it is akin to Osama bin Laden delivering a lecture on peace. Today, all the most corrupt figures in the country are aligned with Narendra Modi—Himanta Biswa Sarma, Suvendu Adhikari, Mukul Roy, Chhagan Bhujbal, Ajit Pawar, Hasan Mushrif, Narayan Rane, Janatar Neti, Yedurappa—the list is endless. The BJP has no moral authority to lecture others on corruption.”Sanjay Singh asserted, “It is paradoxical to hear BJP leaders criticize the official CM residence built by the PWD, especially when their own leader resides in a ₹2,700 crore mansion, travels in an ₹8,400 crore aircraft, and flaunts ₹10 lakh suits and ₹1.4 lakh luxury sunglasses. The BJP has spent thousands of crores on their party offices, and the CAG must investigate the sources of these extravagant funds.”“These are classic diversionary tactics by the BJP just a few days before the election, where they have completely lost the narrative war. For the past two years, they have been constantly harping on a fake narrative and have never been able to talk about any positive agenda for Delhi. While we are focused on discussing what we will do for the people of Delhi, they are only busy abusing and criticising. They have absolutely no plan, no vision, and no CM face,” concluded Sanjay Singh.