Senior Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader and MP Sanjay Singh held Karyakarta Sammelan programs on Sunday in Najafgarh, Chhatarpur, and Model Town constituencies ahead of Delhi Assembly elections. Speaking at these events, he asserted that the BJP was trying to manipulate the electoral process by removing names from voter lists. “BJP is falsely labeling people with names like Sahravat, Mishra, Pandey, and Dubey as Bangladeshis and Rohingyas to have our Purvanchali brothers’ names removed from the voter list,” he stated.He declared that the BJP is set to face another massive defeat in the Delhi elections, with the broom sweeping across all constituencies. Large numbers of party workers, including candidates from these constituencies, were in attendance.Sanjay Singh recounted the party’s humble beginnings, saying, “When we founded AAP, people mocked us. They questioned Arvind Kejriwal’s ability to succeed in politics and predicted our candidates would lose their deposits. “In the 2013 elections, a BJP leader famously claimed he would retire if AAP won even six seats. But we defied expectations, winning 28 seats and forming a government.”“In 2015, our workers went door-to-door with the slogan ‘Paanch Saal Kejriwal.’ The result was a historic mandate, with AAP winning 67 out of 70 seats—the biggest electoral victory in independent India’s history. No party has ever received such overwhelming support.”Sanjay Singh also criticized the BJP’s arrogance following their 2014 general election victories. “At a rally, Modi labeled Kejriwal a ‘Naxalite’ and dismissed him as unfit for democracy. But the people of Delhi handed AAP 67 seats and reduced BJP to just three,” he said.Sanjay Singh accused BJP of relying on divisive politics. “When elections approach, BJP tries to divide people along religious lines. In contrast, Arvind Kejriwal focused on governance in 2020, asking voters to judge him based on his work. That approach brought us 62 seats,” he said.Highlighting BJP’s fear of AAP’s growing influence, he noted that several senior AAP leaders, including himself, Satyendar Jain, and Manish Sisodia, were imprisoned on false charges. “Even from jail, we saw our workers fighting on the ground. Their courage strengthened our resolve to continue fighting,” he added.Sanjay Singh dismissed BJP’s allegations about illegal immigrants in Delhi, saying, “If Bangladeshis and Rohingyas are still in Delhi after 10 years of PM Modi’s rule, what have Amit Shah and the BJP been doing? If even one illegal immigrant remains, Shah must resign.”He criticized BJP for misusing the voter list process to delete Purvanchalis’ names, stating, “They claim to remove illegal immigrants, but the names of people like Ram Singh, Ram Verma, and Saroj Sahravat are being deleted. Even Jats are being labeled as Bangladeshis!”Sanjay Singh urged party workers to remain vigilant and report any discrepancies in the voter lists. “If anyone’s name is removed, inform us immediately, and we will act. BJP is not just losing this election; they are set to lose disastrously,” he asserted.He praised Arvind Kejriwal’s leadership, saying, “When Arvind Kejriwal first became Chief Minister, children in government schools sat on mats, surrounded by cobwebs, with no proper toilets. Today, those same schools have air-conditioned classrooms and world-class sports facilities.”He also highlighted other achievements, including the Mohalla Clinics model, which provides free diagnostic tests, medicines, and healthcare. “Arvind Kejriwal has given people free electricity, water, quality education, and affordable healthcare. Women travel free on buses, and senior citizens enjoy free pilgrimage tours. “Now, we are introducing the seventh benefit: women will receive ₹2,100 per month in their accounts. If a family has five women, they will get ₹10,500 monthly. The eighth benefit is free medical treatment for senior citizens under the Sanjivani scheme,” he announced.Sanjay Singh concluded by declaring, “This election will focus on real issues, and once again, the broom will sweep across every constituency in Delhi.”