In a groundbreaking announcement, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) National Convenor Arvind Kejriwal unveiled the ‘Dr. Ambedkar Samman Scholarship Yojana’, promising to cover the entire cost of travel and stay for Dalit students from Delhi pursuing higher education at top international universities. Extending the benefit to children of Dalit government employees, the AAP Chief called it a powerful response to BJP’s disrespect toward Babasaheb Ambedkar, declaring, “You abuse Babasaheb, and I will honor him.” During this event, senior AAP leaders including Manish Sisodia, CM Atishi, Minister Mukesh Ahlawat, Awadh Ojha, Rakhi Bidlan, Kuldeep Kumar, and others were present.Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) National Convenor Arvind Kejriwal launched a scathing critique of Union Home Minister Amit Shah over his recent remarks on Dr. B.R. Ambedkar in Parliament. Speaking at a press conference, Kejriwal expressed deep personal anguish and announced a landmark scholarship scheme to honor Ambedkar’s legacy.AAP National Convenor Arvind Kejriwal stated, “Three days ago, in the Parliament, the Union Home Minister and BJP leader Amit Shah insulted Babasaheb Ambedkar. The words he used were not only derogatory, but the tone in which he spoke was deeply mocking. He ridiculed Babasaheb Ambedkar by saying that chanting ‘Ambedkar, Ambedkar, Ambedkar has become a fashion’. This personally hurt me greatly as I consider myself a ‘Bhakt’ (devotee) of Babasaheb Ambedkar, and crores of people across the world who revere Babasaheb were pained by that statement.”The AAP Supremo further lamented that such remarks could be made in an independent India, in a Parliament that operates under the Constitution crafted by Babasaheb Ambedkar himself. “During his lifetime, Babasaheb was often mocked and ridiculed by many, but no one could have imagined that this would happen so openly in independent India. We strongly condemn this act. We strongly condemn the BJP and its leaders who openly mocked Babasaheb Ambedkar in Parliament,” he stated.In response to the incident, the AAP Chief announced ‘Dr. Ambedkar Scholarship,’ a comprehensive initiative aimed at ensuring that financial constraints do not impede Dalit students from pursuing higher education at the world’s top universities. “I am making a significant announcement today to honor Babasaheb Ambedkar. Babasaheb Ambedkar gave the utmost importance to education. He said that if our society is to progress, there is only one thing that can bring equality within a generation, and that is education. The struggles he endured to obtain education are beyond our imagination,” he said.“Babasaheb Ambedkar gave the utmost importance to education. He said that if our society is to progress, there is only one thing that can bring equality within a generation, and that is education. The struggles he endured to obtain education are beyond our imagination,” said Arvind Kejriwal.He further narrated the hardships Babasaheb Ambedkar faced, from sitting outside classrooms due to caste discrimination to overcoming severe financial challenges to study at prestigious institutions like Columbia University and the London School of Economics. “When he went to school, he had to bring a mat with him because he was made to sit outside the classroom. He sat on that mat and was told to learn by listening to the teacher’s voice from outside,” highlighted Arvind Kejriwal.The AAP Chief noted that despite such conditions, he graduated from Bombay University and then earned a Ph.D. from Columbia University in 1915. After that, he went to the London School of Economics for further studies, but due to financial difficulties, he had to abandon his education midway and return to India. After arranging funds, he went back to complete his studies at the London School of Economics. After that he fought for the country’s independence, wrote India’s constitution, and became the first Law Minister of the country. Arvind Kejriwal said, “Inspired by Babasaheb’s struggles and his commitment to education. I don’t want any child from Dalit community to be deprived of higher education because of the shortage of funds. That’s why I am announcing the ‘Dr. Ambedkar Samman Scholarship’ today. Under this scheme, any Dalit student who secures admission to any of the world’s top universities can proceed with their admission without worrying about finances. The Delhi government will cover all their expenses, including tuition fees, travel, and other costs.”“Just as Babasaheb Ambedkar pursued education abroad and earned two doctorates—one from Columbia University and another from the London School of Economics, he completed his doctorate from such universities where, even today, it is extremely tough to get admission, and he had to face financial constraints,” he affirmed.The AAP Head stated, “Today, we are breathing in an independent India. In an independent India, no child should face difficulties studying in the best universities of the world. That’s why I’m announcing the ‘Dr. Ambedkar Samman Scholarship’ so that no Dalit student should face barriers in achieving similar success. The children should follow Babasaheb Ambedkar’s footsteps, whatever he has achieved one should strive to achieve, and we will help you.”“This scheme will also be applicable to Dalit children of government employees. I firmly believe that even honest government servants often cannot afford to send their children abroad for education without scholarship. This scheme ensures that their children can also follow in the footsteps of Babasaheb Ambedkar and achieve their dreams,” he mentioned.“Today, through this initiative, we are giving a strong response to the mockery made by the BJP and Amit Shah. This is our way of empowering the Dalit community and honoring Babasaheb Ambedkar’s legacy,” said Arvind Kejriwal.*This scheme is a fight to empower and honor the deprived whose rights were suppressed for decades: Manish Sisodia*Senior AAP leader Manish Sisodia shared on X, “Dr. Ambedkar Samman Scholarship is not just a scheme but a historic step laying the foundation of social justice. With this revolutionary initiative by Arvind Kejriwal, the dreams of children from poor, Dalit, and backward communities will now come true. This scheme will provide them with opportunities to study in prestigious universities and abroad so they can follow in the footsteps of Babasaheb Ambedkar and contribute to the upliftment of society. It is a fight to empower and honor the deprived whose rights were suppressed for decades. Let us come together to be a part of this transformation and brighten the future of every child.”*Arvind Kejriwal has given poor children studying in Delhi government schools the opportunity to study abroad: CM Atishi*On this occasion, Delhi CM Atishi stated, “First, I pay my respects to Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar. Babasaheb Ambedkar, who gave us the Constitution of this country, granted us the right to vote, the right to equality, and gave us the powerful slogan: ‘Educate, agitate, organize’. However, even 75 years after Babasaheb’s dream that every child should receive the best education, if one state, one government, and one leader have fulfilled that dream, it is the Delhi government, and that leader is Arvind Kejriwal.”The Delhi Chief Minister mentioned, “For the past ten years, Arvind Kejriwal has consistently allocated 25% of the budget to education. He has made government schools better than private schools, given children from poor families the opportunity to clear JEE and NEET exams, and enabled students studying in Delhi government schools to go abroad, to places like Paris, to study and learn French. That leader, who has provided excellent education to Delhi’s children today, is Arvind Kejriwal.”“But many times, the question arises: while children receive good education in Delhi Government schools, how will a child from a financially disadvantaged family or a ‘backward’ family progress after receiving education? As you know, whenever a common person, a poor individual, or someone from a backward section of society faces difficulties, our leader Arvind Kejriwal finds a solution to that problem,” asserted CM Atishi.Delhi CM Atishi posted on her ‘X’ handle erstwhile (Twitter), stating: “If any leader is fulfilling Babasaheb’s dream of providing good education to every child in this country, then it is Arvind Kejriwal ji. Arvind Kejriwal has ensured that lack of money never comes in the way of anyone’s talent. Therefore, under the ‘Dr. Ambedkar Samman Scholarship’, the AAP government will bear the full cost of higher education of those talented children of the Dalit community, who will get admission in any top university abroad on the basis of their hard work and ability. This will prove to be a big step towards realising the dreams of Babasaheb.”*‘Ambedkar’ is not a fashion; it is a passion to educate every child and empower women: Rakhi Bidlan*Senior AAP leader and Deputy Speaker of the Delhi Assembly, Rakhi Bidlan, stated that the historic initiatives of the AAP government and Arvind Kejriwal will not only provide opportunities for children from marginalized communities in Delhi to earn prestigious global degrees but will also serve as a milestone in bringing Dalit society to the forefront.Referring to recent remarks in Parliament suggesting that invoking Ambedkar has become a mere fashion, she said, “Ambedkar is not a fashion; it is a passion. It is a passion for educating people. It is a passion for bringing Dalit communities to the forefront and granting them the right to equality. It is a passion for ending atrocities against women, giving them respect, and empowering them economically.”She added that Delhi’s popular leader, Arvind Kejriwal, embodies this passion. “Arvind Kejriwal is someone who strives to follow in the footsteps of Babasaheb Ambedkar. He draws inspiration from Ambedkar’s life and walks the path of his guidance. He fights against those who are autocratic, anti-democratic, and against the Constitution, ensuring the unity, integrity, and harmony of this nation.”Rakhi Bidlan emphasized that Arvind Kejriwal has taken revolutionary steps in the field of education, ensuring that every marginalized section of society receives quality education. These efforts aim to bring them to the forefront and strengthen their participation in democracy.