Demanding apologies from the BJP and its leaders, Aam Aadmi Party’s (AAP) Chief Spokesperson (National) Priyanka Kakkar condemned the BJP for referring to ‘Purvanchalis’ as ‘Rohingyas’, calling it a shameful act that disrespects an entire community. She announced AAP’s plan to take the issue to every assembly constituency, exposing BJP’s insult to the Purvanchali community.AAP’s Chief Spokesperson (National) said, “BJP leaders should be ashamed of themselves. They must come forward and apologize for the disgraceful statement made by J.P. Nadda in the Parliament. Everyone heard how our Purvanchali brothers and sisters were compared to Rohingyas.”She added, “The Purvanchali community comes to Delhi to earn their livelihood, improve their standard of living, and contribute to the city’s development. Yet, JP Nadda insulted them within the Parliament.”“We, the members of the Aam Aadmi Party, will go to every assembly constituency and expose how the BJP has insulted the Purvanchali community. The BJP and its president, JP Nadda, must issue a public apology,” asserted AAP’s Chief National Spokesperson.