The Aam Aadmi Party has strongly criticized the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Union Home Minister Amit Shah for the worsening law and order situation in Delhi. Highlighting two recent gruesome incidents—a trader being shot at and the fatal stabbing of two brothers — Senior AAP Leader & Cabinet Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj called on the BJP and Amit Shah to provide answers to the people of Delhi, who are grappling with rising incidents of violence and lawlessness.
Saurabh Bharadwaj stated, “Today in Delhi, whether it is traders, our sisters, mothers, or elderly people, everyone is living in fear. When children go out of the house, mothers feel anxious, thinking if they don’t return, who knows what might happen. In Delhi, incidents like gang wars, threats from gangsters for extortion, and shootings at shops or hotels for not paying money have become common occurrences.”
He pointed to two shocking incidents reported today to illustrate the severity of the situation: “One involved an ordinary utensil trader, who was returning home in the morning when eight rounds of bullets were fired at him on his scooter. The attackers kept firing in the middle of the crowded market. In Govindpuri, where a constable was murdered just a few weeks ago, today, two brothers were attacked. One is seriously injured and in the hospital, and the other has succumbed to his injuries,” he added.
Saurabh Bharadwaj criticized the BJP for shirking responsibility and failing to maintain law and order in the capital. “Today, the Bharatiya Janata Party is evading accountability for law and order. Ten years ago, Delhi had two governments. The people of Delhi assigned different responsibilities to each. They gave Arvind Kejriwal’s government the responsibility for education, health, hospitals, electricity, and water. The Kejriwal government has performed its duties without any issues. The Bharatiya Janata Party, which was given the responsibility for law and order and the police, has completely failed in its duties,” he said.
Saurabh Bharadwaj emphasized that the Union Home Minister owes an explanation to the people of Delhi. “Union Home Minister Amit Shah and the BJP must answer for their complete failure to ensure the safety of Delhi’s residents. The people of Delhi deserve answers,” he concluded.