Aam Aadmi Party National Convenor Arvind Kejriwal, led a massive Padyatra in the Rajinder Nagar Assembly constituency, on Friday. He addressed the public about the worsening law and order situation in Delhi. Speaking passionately during the march, Arvind Kejriwal criticized the BJP-led central government and the Delhi Police for failing to ensure the safety of citizens. He also announced a significant scheme for women’s empowerment, pledging ₹1,000 per month in direct transfers to women in the capital.
The padyatra was a resounding success, with thousands of supporters enthusiastically joining Arvind Kejriwal and local MLA Durgesh Pathak on foot as they toured the constituency. Women welcomed the AAP Convenor warmly, greeting him with tilaks on his forehead as a mark of respect and admiration. Elderly residents showered their blessings upon him, wishing him success in the upcoming polls, while the youth excitedly surrounded him to click selfies.
Speaking to the residents, Arvind Kejriwal recounted a heart-wrenching incident from Naraina, where two murders occurred in the same family within six months. “Three or four days ago, I went to Naraina. In one house there, two murders happened within six months. That house had only two sons. One son was murdered in May, and the other was killed just five or seven days ago. Both of them had wives, and each couple had two children. Just think about it—elderly parents, both their sons murdered, two daughters-in-law who are not highly educated. How will they run their household now? Both sons were killed at such a young age.”
The AAP Convenor highlighted the grim picture of everyday life in the city, stating that stepping out of one’s home had become unsafe. “Snatching incidents have become rampant—mobiles, chains, and wallets are being stolen in broad daylight. Women are afraid to leave their homes, and parents live in constant fear until their daughters return safely from school or college,” he said.
He also highlighted another shocking incident in Deoli, where a mother, father, and daughter from the same family were murdered just two days ago. “Across Delhi, traders are receiving extortion calls, with threats to harm their families if they don’t pay up. Daylight shootouts and gunfire are becoming alarmingly common. What is happening in our Delhi?” Arvind Kejriwal questioned.
Reflecting on his government’s achievements, Arvind Kejriwal reminded citizens of how AAP had transformed education, healthcare, and utilities in Delhi. “Ten years ago, Delhi’s people gave me the responsibility to fix schools. Today, schools are reformed, and children are receiving quality education. They asked us to fix electricity, and now Delhi enjoys 24-hour power supply—unlike the 20 BJP-ruled states like Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, and Rajasthan, where power cuts last up to 10 hours daily. We even made electricity free or affordable for those receiving bills. Hospitals were another priority, and we addressed that by improving facilities and establishing Mohalla Clinics,” he stated.
Shifting focus back to law and order, Arvind Kejriwal reminded the public that the subject does not fall under the Delhi Government’s purview as per law. “The people of Delhi gave the BJP only one responsibility—to fix Delhi’s law and order. But law and order is not under my jurisdiction; it is under the central government. It is under BJP. It is under Amit Shah. Delhi Police reports to Amit Shah. Look at the state Delhi is in today. Every individual is living in fear. It has become difficult to step out of homes. Women are unsafe, and families are under constant threat,” he said.
However, Arvind Kejriwal vowed not to remain idle despite these limitations. “We cannot sit back and do nothing. Just as we improved schools, hospitals, and utilities, I will bring together Delhi’s two crore citizens to ensure safety and security for all. We will make them fix Delhi’s law and order,” he asserted.
Arvind Kejriwal concluded the address with a significant announcement for women in Delhi. He revealed that his government would soon launch its scheme to deposit ₹1,000 directly into the accounts of every woman in Delhi each month. “This initiative aims to empower women financially and provide much-needed support to households,” he said.