In a rousing address to the residents of Vishwas Nagar, AAP National Convenor Arvind Kejriwal urged voters to choose progress and development by supporting the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) in the upcoming elections. He took to the occasion to assert that AAP is coming to power with a larger majority than the last election. He also warned the public against BJP’s agenda of curtailing free services that AAP provides.
The AAP Convenor highlighted the disparity in development between Vishwas Nagar and other parts of Delhi, pointing out the lack of progress in the constituency under BJP’s leadership. Highlighting the stark contrast between governance under the AAP and the BJP’s representation in the constituency, Arvind Kejriwal passionately called for a shift towards a more productive representation by electing the party’s candidate Deepak Singla.
The day witnessed an overwhelming show of support as Arvind Kejriwal led his Padyatra through Vishwas Nagar, drawing thousands of supporters who walked alongside him throughout the constituency. Women showered blessings on the AAP Convenor, symbolizing their faith in his leadership by applying a tilak on his forehead. Elders expressed their admiration by presenting him with an idol of Lord Hanuman and a traditional mace, a revered symbol of Lord Hanuman’s strength and resolve. The youth turned the event into a celebration, eagerly clicking selfies with Arvind Kejriwal and sharing their excitement about AAP’s vision for progress. As the padyatra energized the crowd it underscored the growing resonance of AAP’s message of inclusive development.
Starting his speech amidst resounding chants of “Bharat Mata Ki Jai! Inquilab Zindabad!”, Arvind Kejriwal recalled the electoral history of Delhi. He stated, “In the 2015 elections, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) won 67 seats, while Congress got 0 and BJP managed just 3 seats—one of which was Vishwas Nagar. In 2020, AAP secured 62 seats, BJP got 8, and again, one of those was Vishwas Nagar.” He pointed out that for the past ten years, Vishwas Nagar has been represented by a BJP MLA, even as the AAP government transformed Delhi.
“Across Delhi, mohalla clinics are being built in every street. Has any mohalla clinic been built here in your village?” Arvind Kejriwal asked the crowd. He continued, “In every corner of Delhi, CCTV cameras have been installed on every pole, but not here. Isn’t that so? Cameras are not being installed here, right?”
Talking about welfare schemes, he remarked, “Senior citizens across Delhi are going on free pilgrimage trips. Has any elder from here been sent on such trips? No, right?” He attributed this to the inefficiency of the BJP MLA, emphasizing, “Delhi has an AAP government, but if the MLA is from BJP, how will work happen? It won’t. All they do is fight—a lot and sometimes well—but they cannot get work done.”
Directly addressing the residents, Arvind Kejriwal asked, “Do you want an MLA who only fights, or one who gets work done? One who works, right? Then vote for the Aam Aadmi Party this time.”
Arvind Kejriwal confidently declared, “All of Delhi is saying the AAP government will return. Maybe with a few seats up or down, but the trend is clear.” He added optimistically, “We’ll only go up, not down. So don’t make a mistake this time. For the past ten years, no work has been done in Vishwas Nagar. Not even a single project. Your MLA deserves the Bharat Ratna—for fighting, but not for getting work done. Do you want ten more years of no progress? This time, vote for Deepak Singla. Vote for the Jhaadu. He will get all your work done.”
The AAP Convenor assured voters of his candidate’s dedication. “Deepak Singla is a very dedicated young man. He will even come to my house and ensure your work gets done, he’ll give a dharna outside my house if need be. This is the kind of hardworking candidate we need,” he said.
In a significant announcement, Arvind Kejriwal revealed, “I am working on a scheme for all the women here. Very soon, ₹1,000 will be deposited into your accounts every month.” He criticized BJP’s opposition to such initiatives, asking, “Shouldn’t this happen? Shouldn’t electricity bills remain free? Shouldn’t bus travel for women stay free? If you want these benefits to continue, vote for the Aam Aadmi Party. Vote for Jhaadu.”
Arvind Kejriwal ended his speech with an appeal to ensure Vishwas Nagar contributes to the AAP’s vision of progress, saying, “Let us not repeat mistakes. Together, let’s bring real change this time.”