Stooping down the most shameful levels of malice-driven politics, the BJP orchestrated a life-threatening attack on AAP National Convenor and former Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal, during his Padyatra on Saturday. The AAP Convenor was marching through Savitri Nagar, Greater Kailash when a BJP worker threw spirit (a flammable liquid) on Arvind Kejriwal and attempted to ignite it with a matchstick in an effort to burn him alive.
Senior AAP Leader and Cabinet Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj, who was present at the incident, recounted the harrowing experience, saying, “The attempt to burn Arvind Kejriwal alive is a reflection of BJP’s desperation as it faces its third consecutive defeat in Delhi.” He questioned how can a common man expect to be safe when the former CM is being tried to kill in the heart of Delhi? He pointed out that BJP’s failure to ensure safety has emboldened criminals with broad daylight shootings, stabbings, and gang wars becoming common, even in posh areas like Greater Kailash.
Addressing the press, Saurabh Bharadwaj said, “Thousands of people, including women, children, and elderly, had gathered to meet Arvind Kejriwal Ji, bless him, and offer their prayers. As Arvind Ji walked through the streets, greeting everyone, a man attacked him. I was standing right next to him, and the spirit spilled on both of us. My jacket still smells faintly of the spirit,” he said.
According to Saurabh Bharadwaj, the attacker carried spirit in one hand and matches in the other. While he managed to throw the spirit, the vigilant response of AAP volunteers and the public prevented him from lighting the matchstick. “This was nothing less than an attempt to burn Arvind Kejriwal alive in the heart of Delhi,” Bharadwaj stated.
The accused, identified as Ashok Kumar, was found to be linked to the BJP through evidence retrieved from his Facebook profile. “Within half an hour, we discovered his profile. It features photos of senior BJP leaders, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Home Minister Amit Shah, and UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, and even Sangeet Som. Local MLA Bansuri Swaraj is added on his profile. His BJP membership card was also displayed on his profile,” Saurabh Bharadwaj said, further adding that the membership ID number was listed, confirming his association with the party.
This incident is the latest in a series of violent attacks against the former Delhi Chief Minister, linked to BJP supporters. Saurabh Bharadwaj highlighted multiple incidents — including the Vikaspuri Attack where a life-threatening attack was orchestrated while the police simply watched and even smiled at the culprits. Similarly, in Nangloi, BJP goons tried to stop Arvind Kejriwal from meeting Roshan Lal Halwai, whose shop was targeted by gangsters after he refused to pay extortion money.
Highlighting the deteriorating law and order situation in Delhi, Saurabh Bharadwaj said, “The BJP’s failure to ensure safety has emboldened criminals. Broad daylight shootings, stabbings, and gang wars have become common, even in posh areas like Greater Kailash. Extortion demands worth crores are being made, and those who refuse are being targeted with bullets.”
He cited several recent cases, including the murder of a gym owner who was shot five times outside his establishment and an elderly man in Panchsheel Park who was stabbed 27 times in his bedroom.
Saurabh Bharadwaj did not hold back in holding the BJP responsible for the attack on Kejriwal. “Today’s attempt to burn Arvind Kejriwal alive is a reflection of BJP’s desperation as it faces its third consecutive defeat in Delhi. The BJP has resorted to dishonesty and violence because it cannot stand the fact that AAP is connecting directly with the people,” he said.
The Aam Aadmi Party has called for immediate action against the accused and a thorough investigation into the attack. Saurabh Bharadwaj also demanded accountability from BJP leaders for their repeated failure to ensure safety in Delhi. “The people of Delhi have entrusted their safety to the BJP-led central government, but instead of providing protection, they are orchestrating such heinous attacks,” he stated.
Despite these attacks, AAP remains steadfast in its commitment to Delhi. “The people gave Arvind Kejriwal the responsibility of education, and he is educating children. They entrusted him with hospitals, and he is providing healthcare. They asked for 24/7 electricity, and he delivered it. But when it comes to safety, the BJP has failed to fulfill its duty,” Saurabh Bharadwaj concluded.