AAP National Convenor Arvind Kejriwal slammed the BJP-led central government for turning Delhi into a hub of gangsters, on Saturday, citing brutal murders and extortion threats across the city. The AAP Convenor was leading a massive Padyatra in Greater Kailash where he warned that voting for the BJP would lead to the crippling of the education and healthcare system, just as they have failed to ensure law and order in the capital. “The BJP is responsible for law and order, but they have thrown Delhi into chaos. Murders happen every day, and no one feels safe anymore,” he asserted.
Highlighting the achievements of his administration, Arvind Kejriwal reminded the people of Delhi of their trust in him to reform education, healthcare, and electricity. “I have delivered on all fronts,” he stated. Contrasting his governance with that of the BJP-led states, he pointed out, “Electricity is exorbitantly priced in the 20 states ruled by the BJP, but in Delhi, you enjoy 24×7 free power supply.”
The padyatra witnessed overwhelming support, with residents showering Arvind Kejriwal with garlands and blessings, reaffirming their faith in his leadership. The event was also attended by local MLA and Cabinet Minister Saurabh Bhardwaj, who joined Arvind Kejriwal in interacting with the enthusiastic crowd.
Arvind Kejriwal stated, “I just came from Panchsheel Park, one of Delhi’s most affluent areas, home to very wealthy residents. Yet, just days ago, a 64-year-old elder was brutally murdered there, his throat slit, his body stabbed multiple times. I met his grieving family, still in deep shock, and came straight here.
He continued, “Just days earlier, in Greater Kailash, a gym owner was gunned down outside his gym. Two men on a motorcycle shot him multiple times and fled. Shortly after, another horrific crime took place in the same area. If such brutal crimes can happen in the wealthiest neighbourhoods, is anyone safe in Delhi today?”
The AAP Chief stated that across Delhi, shopkeepers, traders, and businesspersons are receiving extortion calls, demanding crores of rupees under threats of harm or kidnapping. He emphasised, “Working in Delhi is becoming increasingly dangerous. Women feel unsafe leaving their homes, and parents live in constant anxiety, wondering if their daughters will return safely from college.”
Arvind Kejriwal further stated that in the past two years, the situation has worsened drastically. Delhi is overrun with gangsters, some of the most notorious ones in the country. “What is the BJP-led central government doing about it? They were tasked with ensuring safety in Delhi, and they have failed miserably,” he asserted.
The AAP National Convenor then shared the AAP government’s achievements, saying, “You entrusted me with the responsibility to build schools, and I delivered. Today, Delhi boasts world-class government schools. You asked me to address the electricity crisis, and we eliminated power cuts. Delhi now enjoys 24/7 electricity, and it’s free. You tasked me with improving healthcare, and we set up Mohalla Clinics across the city, ensuring free medicines and quality care for all.”
In contrast, he criticised the BJP-led central government’s handling of Delhi’s safety. “You entrusted them with the responsibility of ensuring law and order, and they’ve turned Delhi into chaos. They’ve failed miserably. Don’t make the mistake of voting for them in the upcoming elections, or they’ll ruin every other service in Delhi just as they’ve destroyed its safety and security,” Arvind Kejriwal cautioned.
Arvind Kejriwal strongly criticised the BJP’s track record, stating, “Look at the 20 states where the BJP governs, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, there’s chaos everywhere. Even in Gujarat, where they’ve ruled for 30 years, power cuts remain rampant. Imagine what they would do to Delhi, which we’ve transformed with unprecedented work. Call someone in Uttar Pradesh and ask about their electricity bills—they’re paying thousands every month. Here in Delhi, many families receive zero bills or pay minimal charges. Their schools are crumbling, while ours have become a model for the nation.”
The AAP Chief asserted that ten years ago, you used your vote to fix many pressing issues in Delhi, and we delivered. “But the BJP, entrusted with Delhi’s law and order, has ruined it completely. Don’t make the mistake of handing over other responsibilities to them, or they’ll destroy everything else,” he added.
Concluding, AAP National Convenor Arvind Kejriwal shared, “We’re about to pass a scheme where every woman above 18 years of age will receive Rs 1,000 monthly in their accounts. This scheme will start soon.”