The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) continues to face major setbacks before the Delhi Assembly elections as prominent leaders are joining the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). Prominent Purvanchali leader and two-time MLA from Delhi’s Kirari constituency Anil Jha, joined the AAP on Sunday. At a ceremony at AAP’s headquarters, AAP National Convenor Arvind Kejriwal welcomed Anil Jha into the party, praising his contributions to Purvanchal society and emphasizing the boost his presence brings to AAP’s campaign across Delhi.
This high-profile desertion follows similar exits by BJP stalwarts, including three-time South Delhi MLA Brahm Singh Tanwar and former Laxmi Nagar councilor BB Tyagi, signaling mounting challenges for the BJP as the Delhi Assembly elections approach.
AAP National Convenor Arvind Kejriwal welcomed Ex-BJP MLA Anil Jha to the party wearing him AAP’s signature cap and ‘patka’ (sash). He said, “First of all, I wholeheartedly welcome Anil Jha to the AAP. When it comes to discussing Purvanchal in Delhi, Anil Jha is regarded as one of the most prominent leaders in the city. He has consistently worked for the welfare of the Purvanchal community, whether in power or outside it. With Anil Jha joining the AAP, the party will get strengthened not only in Kiradi but in entire Delhi.”
The AAP Supremo shared, “There are 1750 unauthorized colonies in Delhi. I am very happy to say that we have now provided drinking water to about 1650 colonies. There are about 100 unauthorized colonies where work cannot be done due to the Forest and Archaeological Survey of India (ASI). I have built 10,000 km of roads and lanes in unauthorized colonies in the last 10 years. Before our government was formed, the rate in unauthorized colonies was 2,000 to 3,000 rupees per yard. Today the rate is 1 lakh rupees per yard.”
“When I used to go there for the election campaign in 2013, people used to say that marriage proposals do not come. If someone comes to see a girl, they have to come inside our house through muddy roads. Due to this environment, our children do not get married. Now people have started getting good marriage proposals. The biggest thing is that we have given a life of respect to the society of Purvanchal in Delhi. I am very happy that one of the most prominent Purvanchali leaders in Delhi from that society is joining us today,” affirmed Arvind Kejriwal.
Meanwhile former BJP leader and two-time MLA Anil Jha stated, “It is my great privilege to offer my deepest respects to AAP National Convenor Arvind Kejriwal, the founder of an egalitarian society, the guardian of democracy, and especially for the people of Purvanchal, Dalits, Mahadalits, and backward classes, for weaving the fabric of social justice in Delhi.”
The Ex-BJP MLA continued, “Because of his efforts, Dalits, Mahadalits, backward classes, and especially the people of Purvanchal, including myself who came from Badbhani to Delhi, and I dream to get support to ensure social justice to the Purvanchal community. Even though it took time, better late than never. I offer my heartfelt gratitude to Arvind Kejriwal and his party for their contributions.”
“Arvind Kejriwal has worked extensively in more than 1,600-1,700 unauthorized colonies in Delhi, where people from Purvanchal, Dalits, Mahadalits, and backward classes live. When I see the smiles on the faces of daughters who go to government schools wearing proper uniforms, receive nutritious and clean food, and have meetings with their parents, and when they get better treatment at Mohalla Clinics, I realize that this is true social justice,” he added.
Anil Jha pointed out, “We often talk about grand ideas—about the nation, the world, and security. But when we go home and speak to people, the party I have been associated with, all those discussions often feel empty. However, when I see the disabled children, our daughters, and the poor, who need healthcare and education, actually receiving these services, I realize that if someone is truly making social justice a reality, it is Arvind Kejriwal.”
He further added that that is why, despite having spent 32 years in another party, where making a decision was difficult, I am so inspired by Arvind Kejriwal’s personality that I have made this decision. I promise that all the people from Purvanchal, Mithilanchal, Awadh, and Magadh, who are inspired by his work, stand with him. You have made social justice not just a slogan but a reality, and taken it to new heights.
“Fifteen years ago, the price of land in these unauthorized colonies was just 2,000-3,000 rupees per square yard. After Arvind Ji’s efforts, with the establishment of Mohalla Clinics, good schools, better water supply, and sewage systems, the price of land there has increased to 70,000-1,50,000 rupees per square yard. This transformation is unparalleled,” he asserted.
“Finally, I just want to say that those who talk about patriotism, nationalism, and ideals today are far removed from reality. 14 Pant Marg (referring to BJP Delhi office) has become a graveyard of the Purvanchal leaders and workers. There a gang of goons has become operational, and to change all of this I will work as Arvind Kejriwal’s party worker,” said Anil Jha.
Meanwhile, AAP MLA Durgesh Pathak stated that if there is one person who has truly worked for the people of Purvanchal in Delhi, it is Arvind Kejriwal. “When individuals from Uttar Pradesh and Bihar come to Delhi for work, business, or education, they often live in unauthorized colonies. Ten years ago, these colonies were in a terrible state, resembling a living hell. There were no roads, no proper water supply, no sewer systems, and no electricity. People lived amidst knee-deep mud,” he added.
The AAP MLA further added that within just ten years, all those areas where people from Purvanchal reside, including the unauthorized colonies, have been transformed. Today, these areas boast excellent roads, water pipelines everywhere, and proper sewer lines. Residents can now pump water directly into their homes. The unsanitary conditions and filth that once plagued these neighborhoods have been eradicated. This transformation has been achieved entirely under Arvind Kejriwal’s leadership.
He further added that potable water now reaches every household. Over the past year, Arvind Kejriwal has done remarkable work for the people of Purvanchal, which has inspired a prominent figure from the community to join AAP. Anil Jha, a two-time MLA from Kirari and the only person from Purvanchal to have served as Delhi University president in the past 25 years, has joined the party. Previously associated with the BJP and having held various positions within the party, he has decided to leave the BJP and join AAP, impressed by Arvind Kejriwal’s work for the Purvanchal community.