The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has launched a sharp attack on the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) over the resignation of minister Kailash Gahlot, saying it was driven by pressure from the Enforcement Directorate (ED) and the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). Senior AAP leader and Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh called the resignation part of the BJP’s ‘dirty politics’, while Chief AAP Spokesperson (National) spokesperson Priyanka Kakkar asserted that Kailash Gahlot chose to join the BJP to avoid imprisonment amid ongoing ED and CBI investigations against him and his family.
Senior AAP leader and Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh said, “Pressure was created on Kailash Gahlot by conducting ED-CBI raids, and now he is speaking according to the script given to him by the BJP. The Modi Washing Machine has become active before the Delhi elections. Now many leaders will be inducted into the BJP through this machine.”
Sanjay Singh further stated that today, the BJP has once again succeeded in its tactics of dirty politics and conspiracy. He added, “Kailash Gahlot was being continuously pressurized by the BJP, and ED-CBI raids were being conducted. He was repeatedly called for questioning at the ED office, and income tax raids were conducted at his house.”
Sanjay Singh continued, “This is the nature of the BJP and Narendra Modi: when they use agencies to raid someone’s property or summon them for questioning, they hold loud press conferences, accusing the person of corruption. Yet, as soon as that person joins the BJP, all charges are miraculously dropped. Kailash Gahlot was under immense pressure from the ED, Income Tax, and various other forces.”
He added, “This is all BJP’s script. Whatever kind of script they make and whatever conspiracy they have hatched against Kailash Gahlot, he will have to speak in the same way.”
AAP Chief Spokesperson (National) Priyanka Kakkar said that with elections around the corner, the BJP’s dirty conspiracies have begun. She stated, “ED and CBI have become active. Many ED-CBI cases were ongoing against Kailash Gahlot, and his family was also facing cases. That’s why he thought joining the BJP was better than going to jail.”
She further added, “If you look at his social media account from 14-15 hours ago, he was still working for the AAP. The ED and CBI have become active because the elections have started, and the BJP is focused on its dirty politics. Two of their big leaders are also joining the AAP today, so this will continue.”
On the other hand, senior AAP leader and MLA Durgesh Pathak said that for several months, Kailash Gahlot was called to the ED office every day. He stated, “He had to face ED and IT raids with no other option left. Joining the BJP was his only way out. This makes one thing clear: the BJP has lost the Delhi elections.”
He continued, “Today, they have no issues left to address. They have nothing to campaign on. The BJP is fighting the Delhi elections through the ED, CBI, and Income Tax, while we are asking for votes in the name of politics that serves the people of Delhi. BJP has completely lost this election. This is a clear indication of that.”