
The Delhi government has launched “Environmental Leadership Bootcamp” for students in Delhi government schools. This pilot project has been launched on 1st June, 2023, which will pave the way for a future wide-scale climate change program as a preliminary step.

In “Environmental Leadership Bootcamp” following a holistic approach, students will be exposed to the knowledge and ambitious thinking needed to address environmental issues and encourage climate sensitivity.

The camp will have various courses and multiple sessions with experts, mainly covering important topics like climate science, air pollution, water conservation and socio-economic factors. Students will not only study theory, but also understand the implementation of carbon footprint measurement, waste management and policy deliberations. Field tours to the “Environmental Leadership Bootcamp” are also included in the structure to further enrich their understanding. Students will be taken on a guided tour to the Aravali Biodiversity Park, local community centers and surrounding areas, where they will see successful waste management models in action, and participate in an exhibition on composting.

The camp seeks to go beyond just theoretical knowledge, trying to inspire students to translate what they have learned into practical action. Participants will be introduced to design thinking and creative approach techniques, giving them the ability to collaborate on community action projects. Encouraged to take a leading role in their own communities, students will be motivated to initiate effective activities like cleanliness drives and tree planting drives. Also, recognizing the importance of effective communication, the camp program also includes mass communication training sessions, which include training sessions on various creative mediums like public speaking, debates and presentations, poster making, story-telling and slogan writing. By honing their communication skills and providing a platform for creative expression, the camp endeavors to train a green and program-oriented young generation determined to bring about a positive change in society.

Ms. Reena Gupta, Advisor, Government of Delhi, who is leading the initiative, explained that this camp highlights the need to promote the transformational goal of education for 21st century leadership and the vision of the Delhi Education Revolution. She said, “By incorporating climate education in schools, educational institutions play an important role in providing students with the knowledge and skills to understand and address the climate crisis and social environmental issues. Climate education promotes environmental citizenship, respect for the natural world Instills a sense of accountability, management and efficiency.”

Students will actively participate in initiatives for water and air quality, energy conservation and expansion of green spaces. Along with this, they will also have to do the work of running an awareness campaign in future. The objective of this camp is to provide students with exposure to global discussions and at the same time make them responsive to local challenges, thereby broadening their understanding of socio-environmental issues.

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